About me

Hi! 👋

I’m an Æternal student.

r3vit is the nickname used by a passionate Gopher, developer and
technology experimentalist called Marco.

From technologies to programming languages, from failures to successes, I love
working on projects that bring solutions to small and big problems.

I studied Computer Science and right now trying to work on meaningfull R&D projects for a company called Alkemy.

I believe in Open Source and try to follow the motto: “Changing the world, one bit at a time”.

What I do

I spend my days on the shell, reading and writing things.

I’m working and learning about automation in software testing, data science, devops.

In the past years I’ve explored the world of Vocal Assistants and voice UI/UX.

When I’m not using a computer, I enjoy walking, baking and stained glass.

Wants to contact me?

Write me what are you doing!

I love speaking and learning with passionate people!

Tell me and I forget,

teach me and I may remember,

involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin