
One post per week.

Exploring new things (AI), funny things (card and game generation), serious things (software architecture) and things I recently falled in love (glass).

Good intentions for the new year lasted 3 weeks :)

This post it’s more like an apology than a real update.

People First

Something that I wrote (and how I wrote it) hurt people that I care a lot about. I removed the posts for now. Probably will be rewritten with less naivety and explaining better why it’s a bad idea the use of generative AI in Art.

For now I’ll put this topic in pause. I’ll probably be writing about funny or interesting things (for me) but it will not directly involve the image generation “Art” with AI.

Horrible human being like me out there: there is still hope.

So… that’s it!

Hope the next posts about Game Boy Development or no-sense poetry generators or stained glass in movies will have a better end and will be funnier to read and talk about :)